So here's the first of what I hope will be several updates about available chat channels. I gather there are a bunch, and I will leave it to all of you afficianados to figure out which ones to patronize. But I hope people will write to me to let me know of the others. If you do write, please be sure to give lots of information. Remember, there are a lot of people getting computers these days who don't know everything, and need help getting started with this stuff.
So, without further ado, here's the first Announcement.
Let's get together on #CDUC_Support on DALNet.
I've set up a regular time: Mondays, 8pm-9pm CST.
For information about DALNet:
You can also find info about and download a great IRC client:
If you want to ask me questions about IRC (Internet Relay Chat), get server suggestions, or want alternative meeting times, email me at
Hope to see you soon!
Another source for info on IRC is at
Keith Lowery has added a page on his site that tells all about his Sunday Night Chat. He gives instructions about how to connect and includes links for downloading the necessary software.